Saturday, December 28, 2019

Feminism Is Not Be Viewed As A Harmful Ideology - 1405 Words

The modern definition of feminism: â€Å"an ideology that, in its most basic form, directly opposes sexism by supporting gender equality and portraying women and men as equal.† (Finsterbusch 59). This definition was the early direction towards treating women like human beings rather than a housebound body, and this is why feminism should not be viewed as a harmful ideology. By exemplifying the importance of the ideology of feminism, by refuting those who claim that women have used feminism to exploit their personal wants and desires, and by presenting women’s first hand encounters of inequality, case studies, sound arguments and documented research one will be persuaded that the ideology of feminism is not discrimination towards men, but rather an encouragement for a woman’s rights and equality. In the beginning of early societies, women’s rights were excluded from the big picture, and through the Women’s suffrage act an initiation of movements by feminist activists was created for a fairer life. Although the beginning of time has vanquished from a condemned society and societies have currently advanced this is the reason why attitudes need to become advanced just as well. Since feminism was a powerfully growing figure in the nineteenth century because of the popularity of the idea there were establishments made containing feminist beliefs such as the National Organization for Women and Women’s Equity Action League. Furthermore, these groups and others devotedly pushed forShow MoreRelatedThe Beneficial Belief : Feminism1407 Words   |  6 PagesThe Beneficial Belief: Feminism. The modern definition of feminism: â€Å"an ideology that, in its most basic form, directly opposes sexism by supporting gender equality and portraying women and men as equal.† (Finsterbusch 59). This definition was the early direction towards treating women like human beings rather than a housebound body, and this is why feminism should not be viewed as a harmful ideology. By exemplifying the importance of the ideology of feminism, by refuting those who claim that womenRead More10 Things I Hate about You and The Taming of the Shrew1171 Words   |  5 PagesThe characters in the film have similar names to the characters in the play; Petrucio becomes â€Å"Patrick†, Katharina becomes â€Å"Kat†, and Bianca’s name remains the same. The plot in â€Å"10 Things I Hate About You† is similar in that both Kat and Bianca are viewed as prizes to be won; Bianca is only permitted to date if her older sister does, as mandated by their father. To overcome this barrier, Joey, the villain of the film, pays Patrick to date Kat so that he may be allowed to date Bianca. 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B Du Bois1651 Words   |  7 PagesThe â€Å"double consciousness† coined by W.E.B Du Bois, became a popular ideology during the Harlem Renaissance to depict conflicting identities of the black community. Du Bois understood the historical context of black immigration from rural to urban areas would cause problems for those who wanted to create a better life for themselves. Many of the black men who moved to the north were â€Å"untrained and poorly educated.† Du Bois attempted to formulate his theory of identity with race, ethnicity, and cultureRead MoreFeminism, The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Issues2708 Words   |  11 PagesFeminism Paige Pflueger â€Å"Feminism by definition, is the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men (google).† However, there are many different kinds of feminism. 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According to Strow Strow (2006) â€Å"The increased economic opportunities for women outside the home, the rise of feminism, the advent of industrialization and urbanizations, the changing mortality and fertility rates and changing attitudes about divorce† (p. ), could all be contributing factors. Corsaro believes there are four ma in reasons for the increase; â€Å"entrance

Friday, December 20, 2019

Job Description Of Cox Manufacturing Company - 843 Words

Cox manufacturing company is a leading Screw machine company in Texas, which produces screws machine products and precision turned products. Cox is equipped to offer more matching materials. Cox manufacturing company is currently seeking to fill the position of Secretary in the Human Resource Department. The job description is as follows: Basic Requirements ï‚ § Answer telephones and take messages or transfer calls to the appropriate office ï‚ § Schedule appointments and update event calendars ï‚ § Arrange staff meetings and take notes ï‚ § Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes ï‚ § Draft routine memos, billing, or other reports as instructed ï‚ § Edit company correspondence and ensures document accuracy ï‚ § Maintain databases and filing systems,†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Retirement Plans †¢ College education My Proposed Compensation and Benefit Package for Employee Includes: Since the Cox manufacturing company offers a wide range of benefit packages for their employee. My proposed plan includes: †¢ Health care services †¢ Competitive hourly wage †¢ Retirement plan †¢ Maternity leave †¢ Apprenticeship program †¢ Annual company Christmas party †¢ Annual company picnic †¢ Marital bonus †¢ Monthly and overall employee performance bonus Reasons for Offering these Compensation and Benefit Package for Employee The aforementioned Packages this company is offering are of High quality priority and importance. Moreover, the inclusion of the maternity, marital bonuses, apprenticeship program, annual company picnic, Monthly and overall employee performance bonus and other above listed options would serve as a great deal of asking an effective and efficient employee service. Over time, many notable companies around Texas has proven to have offered a great deal of services which eventually caught the minds of their employee, but they were still lagging behind as they couldn’t consider some basic factors that could in one way or the other boost efficiency. However, most competitors offer packages are similar to each other: (i) Wages and salary (ii) Insurance benefits (iii) Legally required benefits (iv) Paid

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Process Of Prioritizing Care Samples †

Quesion: Discuss about the Process Of Prioritizing Care. Answer: In primary health care setting, nurses are at the forefront of care as they spend the maximum time with patient. In case of chronically ill patients, multiple factors have an impact on their health status and treatment outcomes (Sallis, Owen Fisher, 2015). Hence, for nurse, it is necessary to have knowledge about different factors that affect health of patient and prioritize care accordingly for the optimal health of patient. Prioritization of care is dependent on clinical reasoning skills and good judgment and decision making capacity of nurse. Clinical reasoning and judgments supports nurses to avoid adverse events and provide safe high-quality care (Papastavrou, Andreou Efstathiou, 2014). This essay presents an overview about the process of prioritizing care by the analysis of a case scenario related to Peter Mitchell, a 52 year old male with obesity and type 2 diabetes and developing priorities of care for the client. The justification for the two care priorities is also given by the application of clinical reasoning cycle. Clinical reasoning cycle is the tool that supports nurses in problem solving, critical thinking and decision making for the safety of patient. The first step is considering the patient situation (Hunter Arthur, 2016). The case is about Peter Mitchell, a 52 year old male who was admitted to hospital for poorly controlled diabetes, obesity ventilation syndrome and sleep apnoea. To collect cues about factors contributing to the issue, client history and patient assessment records were analyzed. His past history revealed that he was a smoker for 30 years. To control his obesity, he had started eating low, energy protein diet on dieticians recommendation and also visited a physiotherapist to start a light exercise at home. Review of his past history also revealed that he suffered from depression and had gastro oesophageal reflux disease in the past. His past social history showed that he gained more weight after leaving the job and weight issues were the main reason for his unemployment. Hence, from this information, the association between obesity and physical activity is understood. Unemployment issues further reduced his physical activity levels and made him prone to risk of apnoea and other health issues too. If his weight is not controlled further, then he may be at risk of developing cardiovascular disease too (Koolhaas et al., 2017). To identify the main problem or issue in Peter, processing information is necessary to prioritize care. His presenting symptoms during the hospital admission were sleep ventilation syndrome, sleep apnoea and uncontrolled diabetes. His weight was 145 kg and height 170 cm. This meant he had BMI of 50.2. A person is classified as obese when his BMI is 30 or more than 30 (Ogden et al., 2015). Hence, Peter Mitchells obesity is at extreme level. Furthermore, his obesity is the major reason for symptoms like sleeps apnoea and sleep ventilation syndrome. Sleep apnoea is a disorder associated with disruptions in breathing during sleep. This occurs because of the collapse of the pharyngeal airway during sleep and obesity and aging are regarded as the major risk factor of the disease (Franklin Lindberg, 2015). Obesity increases the deposition of fat around the pharyngeal airway, which contributes to the collapsibility of pharyngeal airway. Fat deposition also impairs functional residual capaci ty of patient (Jordan, McSharry Malhotra, 2014). His symptom of sleep ventilation syndrome is also linked to obesity. Hence, it is clearly understood that obesity is one of the major health issue in patient. While processing Peters last observation in discharge data, it has been found that his BP and respiratory rate are above normal value. His BP of 180/92 indicates that he is hypertensive. He also has symptoms of shakiness, diaphoresis, increased hunger and high blood glucose level. All this are directly linked to uncontrolled diabetes. This clinical judgment has been made because both hypertension and diabetes have a common pathway. People who are hypertensive are at high risk of diabetes. There is overlap between etiology and disease mechanism of diabetes and hypertension too. Uncontrolled diabetes is also a factor that increases risk of hypertension in patient (Cheung Li, 2012). Hence, it can be said that obesity and uncontrolled diabetes has contributed to hypertension in Peter. From the analysis and processing of health information of Peter, uncontrolled diabetes and obesity is identified as two major problems in patient that has deteriorated his health and led to abnormal symptoms in patient. The analysis of causes behind Peters symptoms and his abnormal vital signs also showed obesity and uncontrolled diabetes to be a major reason for adverse symptoms and morbidity in patient. He was also suffering from diaphoresis, a condition leading to abnormal sweating in patient. People who are obese are most like to have the symptoms of diaphoresis (Yeh et al., 2011). Hence, based on the identification of major problem in patient, two important nursing priorities identified for the recovery of Peter is to control blood sugar level of Peter and reduce obesity in patient. I aim to do this by development of comprehensive nursing care plan related to treatment as well as patient education. Relevant treatment options like pharmacological intervention will improve vital s ign of patient and patient education factor will encourage Peter to make healthy changes in his lifestyle and physical activity levels (Nanditha et al., 2016). Two fulfill the two care priorities of patient, different course of nursing actions or care plan has been prepared both for controlling obesity as well as blood sugar level. In relation to the care priority of controlling all adverse symptoms related to obesity, the first strategy is to support Peter to quit smoking. This is important because smoking is likely to further worsen the symptoms of sleep breathing difficulty and apnea for Peter (Mirambeaux Villalona et al., 2016). Evidence has shown that each o the condition of smoking and sleep obstructive apnea adversely affects each other. If patient continues smoking, it can increase the severity of apnea through changes in upper airway neuromuscular function and increase in upper airway inflammation (Krishnan, Dixon-William Thornton, 2014). Hence, smoking cessation strategies needs to be implemented. As Peter is a heavy smoker, abrupt quitting of smoking will be difficult for him. Hence, initially Peter can be encourages to use subs titutes for cigarettes by the implementation of nicotine replacement therapy. Later on, Peter can also be motivated to quit smoking by educating him about the adverse impact of smoking on his blood glucose level and cardiovascular health. This will enhance his willingness to quit smoking himself. To control Peters obesity, another plan of action is to implement lifestyle intervention so that he adapts positive health behavior to minimize weight gain. Lifestyle interventions are effective not only in preventing weight gain, but also in decreasing hypertension and onset of type 2 diabetes related complication (Sargent, Forrest Parker, 2012). To control his weight gain, it will also be important for nurse to review daily food intake of Peter and take dieticians advice to provide low calorie food to patient. Considering that Peter is highly obese and this is having an impact on his respiratory function, the nurse also needs to educate patient about the need to control binge eating and staying active. The nurse should also guide patient in engaging in physical activity every day. Initiation of moderate intensity 60 minutes physical activity or resistance training on a daily basis can help to prevent abnormal weight gain in patient. Combination of exercise training and dietary int ervention significantly reduces weight of patient (Strasser, 2013). In relation to the care priority of uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension, it is planned to implement pharmacological intervention in patient. The medication like Metformin and Metoprolol will be continued to control high blood sugar and blood pressure in patient respectively. Apart from pharmacological intervention, other nursing plan of action for controlling high blood sugar level in patient includes assessment for signs of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia in patient and control blood glucose level regularly. Nurse can strengthen Peters capability to engage in self-management of diabetes by means of education and coaching. The patient education plan can educate Peter about recommended level of BP, BGL level, provide details about life style changes and using appropriate website or health information tool to successfully manage their diabetes. Motivational interviewing will be particularly important because Peter lacked the motivation to change his lifestyle and engage in physical ac tivity or dietary changes (Levich, 2011). After the implementation of the course of action, evaluating outcome of the key nursing action implemented for Peter will be important. This can be done by checking patients compliance with exercise regimen and dietary intervention. Secondly, patient vital parameters like BP, BGL and symptoms of sleep apnea and breathing difficulty needs to be assessed to ensure that the care priority helped to improve the condition of patient. Reflecting on the care process is also necessary to find out any challenges in implementing the care plan and prioritizing future action to address those challenges in the future. The essay gave an insight into the methods used to identify patient problem and prioritize care for patient by means of analysis of health issues in Peter Mitchell. The application of the steps of clinical reasoning cycles helped to collect cues and process those informations to identify nursing intervention for patient. Furthermore, identification of two health problem in patient helped to priorities care and implement targeted nursing intervention for the promotion of health in patient. This process helped to develop effective care plan to support Peter to control his obesity and blood glucose level. References: Cheung, B. M., Li, C. (2012). Diabetes and hypertension: is there a common metabolic pathway?.Current atherosclerosis reports,14(2), 160-166. Franklin, K. A., Lindberg, E. (2015). Obstructive sleep apnea is a common disorder in the populationa review on the epidemiology of sleep apnea.Journal of thoracic disease,7(8), 1311. Hunter, S., Arthur, C. (2016). Clinical reasoning of nursing students on clinical placement: Clinical educators' perceptions.Nurse education in practice,18, 73-79. Jordan, A. S., McSharry, D. G., Malhotra, A. (2014). 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